Thursday, September 1, 2011

Herbal Teas Good for Colds and Flu

When you aren’t feeling well, few things are more comforting than a hot cup of tea. Whether it is herbal, green or black, tea seems to calm the soul. Better still, teas are a great way to combat the viruses that run rampant, especially as we get back into school and heading into cooler weather. It is important to drink plenty of fluids during an illness. Teas not only help fulfill this requirement, but they also help the body quickly absorb the healing attributes of any number of herbs. It is no wonder that brewing tea has been a popular method of medicinal delivery for thousands of years.

Symptoms—coughing, sore throat, fever, nausea, etc.—are signs that the body is working to send viral or bacterial invaders packing. Herbal teas can help stimulate the body’s natural defenses, as opposed to over-the-counter medications, which suppress symptoms and therefore might actually prolong an illness.

Colds and Flu Brews:
There are more than 200 viruses that can cause the common cold. Adults will average two to four colds per year, while children can have as many as six to eight. Cold symptoms include congestion, sneezing, coughing, and a scratchy or sore throat. If body aches and a fever are also present, then it is more likely that you have the flu. However, some children often run a low-grade fever with the common cold. It can be hard to distinguish between a cold and the flu. One way to tell the difference is with the onset of symptoms. A cold can take one to three days to develop, while the flu comes on quickly. Also, symptoms are more severe with the flu than with a cold.

Below are some herbal teas (as single herbs or as a blend) that treat both colds and the flu:

Elderberry: One of the best herbs at fighting the flu, it also works against the common cold. Research suggests that elderberry might keep the flu virus from replicating. It also helps reduce coughing.

Fenugreek: It loosens and expels mucus and phlegm accumulated in the bronchial tubes and is good for coughs.

Throat Coat: Contains herbs such as slippery elm bark, marshmallow root, and wild cherry bark that provides a protective coating on the membranes that line the throat.

Echinacea Plus: Activates and stimulates immune cells, helping to reduce the duration of symptoms.

Breathe Easy: Promotes normal respiratory tract health by reducing mucus and helping to keep nasal passages open.

Queasy Stomach Teas:

Ginger: This is a warming herb that can ease an upset stomach and nausea. It may also help with a sore throat and chills caused by a cold or the flu.

Peppermint: It reduces nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, and can also help with indigestion. For colds, peppermint tea may be a good way to relieve nasal and sinus congestion.

Eater’s Digest: Promotes healthy digestion and relieves stomach distress after eating. Contains organic peppermint, fennel and ginger.

Ginger Aid: Promotes the flow of digestive juices and increases tone in the muscular walls of the stomach, aiding digestion.

We also have children’s teas—Just for Kids-- in Organic Tummy Comfort, Throat Coat, Cold Care and Nighty Night Tea bags. Fun!

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